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The world economy in the first quarter of 2024: back to reality, rising insolvencies and an election year

Rok 2023 se nesl ve znamení návratu do reality: silný post-kovidový růst z let 2021 a 2022 je minulostí a dluhy vytvořené v období pandemie bylo nutné splatit, což dokládá i loňský 7% nárůst insolvenčního indexu společnosti Allianz Trade. A současnost? Očekává se, že počet insolvencí letos celosvětově vzroste o 10 %. Růst HDP zůstane jen mírný a bude činit v globálním měřítku přibližně 2,3 % (oproti 2,7 % v roce 2023).

17.5.2024, Tomáš Jurík

Political risks will be a key indicator for the development of the world economy.

The following 3 factors will influence the development in particular:

Which countries saw the most significant drop in ratings?

  1. Israel from 3 to 4 (war, interest rates, inflation)
  2. Niger from 8.25 to 9 (coup d’état and international sanctions)

Check out AU Group G-Grade, Global Country Risk Analysis. Download a file with a detailed analysis of the economic situation in all regions of the world for the first quarter of 2024. If you are interested in more about how G-Grade works, also go through one of the updates on our website.

About AU Group

AU Group is an independent international broker specializing in trade receivables. The group’s goal is to help companies optimize trade receivables and support growth. ARFiN has been part of this global network since 2013. It offers its partners products protecting their business activities from political risks in Europe and the world.